公司名称: 壳牌(中国)有限公司 机  构 码: 625911998
单位地址: 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号国贸大厦2座32层03-18单元 公司邮编: 100004
所属行业: 07-石油和天然气开采业 公司性质: 三资企业
联  系 人: 李想 传      真: 861065295206
单位网址: 注册资金: 美元22200万元
公司简介: 企业简介:
作为全球最具创新能力的企业之一, 壳牌致力于开发智慧型能源解决方案,在全球范围内帮助弥合能源供应缺口,建设更加美好的能源未来。从在世界最深的海底进行勘探,到极其先进的处理设施,再到加油站和家用燃气,壳牌的业务涵盖广泛,多种多样——正如同我们提供给你的机会一样。
作为世界领先的能源和化工公司,壳牌连年位居《财富》杂志世界500榜单前列。同时,壳牌也是领英(LinkedIn)最具吸引力雇主和《时代》杂志2016年最佳女性雇主; 我们在70多个国家拥有约93000名员工,你将有机会与来自世界各地的杰出人才共事,分享技术专长和观点,收获丰富的经验。

Job Description_ Lab Technician实验室技术员(3年以下工作经验或应届毕业生)

Laboratory technician works closely with project leaders and other team members to conduct lubricant tests and provide timely delivery of test data to support product development and technical service projects.
Liaise directly with the project leaders and works jointly with them from planning to reporting
Carry out laboratory test and analysis of lubricants, using standardized and non-standardized, in-house test methods
Ensure timely delivery of high quality test results, support the interpretation of test results and provide his/her own views when needed
Prepare laboratory-scale lubricant blends.
Develop new laboratory methods for sample preparation and analysis
Maintain testing equipment and facilities, calibration instrument and monitor test data accuracy
Ensures to implement all relevant HSSE standards inside the lab and outside the lab
Record and document test results as required by the quality management system
Work together with the team for training and technology showcasing

Special Challenges
The position requires understanding the purpose of the tests and testing requirements from the project leaders, sometimes, requires sense of urgency to support crisis situation.
Deliver multiple tests under time pressure
Be flexible to deal with changes during a product development and undertake unexpected projects (e.g. technical service type)
Be able to develop a deep understanding of product applications to meet customers’ needs
Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering or chemical engineering.
Preferable 2 years of experience working in a chemistry/lubricants laboratory
Knowledge of quality management system (ISO 9001 or ISO 17025)
Demonstrated good analytical skills.
Focus on HSSE
Proven team working, inter-personal & networking skills
Good English skills (verbal and in writing)

简历请发送至Karen Liu:
实验室技术员 全职不限 不限 30620 2018-05-25